FINTECH VIEWS: 2024 – The Year of AI Escalation

by Jeff Nash, Founder & CEO, BridgeMark Strategies

Published November 24 on Digital Wealth News

As we prepare to close the book on 2024, many of us will reflect upon what happened during the year, why it mattered and what it may portend. I’m one of those people. However, for me, this exercise is always more forward-looking than nostalgic. 2024 has had a number of noteworthy events – from a pivotal U.S. election, to the 33rd Olympiad in Paris, to geopolitical unrest. What among them will your descendants still be talking about in 50 or 75 years? That’s a tough question to answer, and also a fun one to consider as 2025 beckons.

I find myself categorizing items into two distinct silos: events so impactful, they served as a line in the sand, effectively demarcating what came before and what came after … a delineator, if you will (e.g., the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the COVID pandemic). The second category covers things that became so ubiquitous, their influence became a new fact of life for everyone; or what I call permeators (e.g., the emergence of the personal computer, the development of the Internet).

The story of 2024, the event that will captivate future generations and historians, falls into both categories: the escalation of AI. This past year is that line in the sand when this emergent technology truly began to infiltrate every aspect of our professional and personal lives. I believe 2024 will be the “when” in AI’s origin story as a transformational technology across all industries, including wealth management......Read More